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How to Rock Bold Makeup with Glasses

Wearing glasses and bold makeup can be a stunning combination, but it can also be intimidating and challenging to master. With the right techniques, you can rock bold makeup with glasses and make a powerful statement.

The goal is to find the perfect balance that allows your makeup and glasses to complement each other, rather than clash. Let's dive into the world of makeup and eyewear to help you create your perfect look!

Embrace Your Glasses

The first step to rocking bold makeup with glasses is to fully embrace your frames! Many people feel self-conscious about wearing glasses. However, they can actually be a fabulous fashion statement and an extension of your personal style.

Choose frames that suit your face shape and make you feel confident. This will help you feel more comfortable wearing them while experimenting with bold makeup looks.

Understanding Eye Makeup with Glasses

The Role of Glasses in Shaping Your Eyes

Glasses can change the appearance of your eyes significantly. They can make your eyes appear larger, smaller, or even alter their shape. Understanding this impact will help you choose the right makeup approach.

Nearsighted Prescriptions

Nearsighted individuals, or those who have difficulty seeing objects that are far away, will need concave lenses. Indicated by a minus sign, this prescription lens helps diverge light as it passes through them. Which allows the eyes to focus light properly and correct blurry distant vision caused by myopia.

This lens shrinks the image on your retina to improve your distance vision, which can often make your eyes look smaller than normal. To create a balanced look, consider a narrow or thin frame to keep them from weighing down your face and highlighting smaller eyes.

Farsighted Prescriptions

Farsighted individuals, or those who can see far away but objects close up may be blurry, will need magnifying lenses. This is a higher prescription, where the lenses are thicker in the middle and thinner at the edges. These lenses make everything look bigger, including your eyes!

Oftentimes with a stronger prescription your lens will be much thicker as well. Premium Plus lenses will allow you to have high-power and ultra thin lenses. This option may be necessary for strong prescriptions with a power below -6.00 or above +3.00.

The shape of your frame can also help reduce the effect of “bug-eyed”. Opt for a larger, thicker frame, which can help make your eyes look smaller.

It's all about proportion! Glasses should complement your features, not dominate them.

Eyeshadow and Glasses

Bold eye looks with glasses are all about confidence and creativity. Don't be afraid to experiment with different techniques, such as cut crease or smokey eye, to achieve a striking look.

Embracing Bold Colorful Looks

Embrace the power of vibrant and bold eyeshadows to amplify your look with glasses! Bold colors such as electric blue, fiery orange, and striking emerald can bring your eyes to life and showcase your creative flair.

Start by applying a primer to ensure the colors stay vivid throughout the day. Then, pack on your chosen eyeshadow shade, focusing it on the center of your eyelid and blending it outwards. For an added wow factor, consider incorporating a complementary color into your crease or using a glittery eyeshadow for a shimmering effect. Let your glasses frame your masterpiece!

Dramatic Eyes

One of the most captivating makeup looks you can master with glasses is the smokey eye. This sultry, dramatic style can add a touch of mystery and allure to your overall appearance.

A classic smokey eye includes three different shades: a shade for your lid, a darker crease color, and a highlight shade. The key to smokey eyes is to blend, blend, blend! Make sure there are no harsh lines, just a seamless transition of shades. Your glasses will magnify your eyes, adding an extra layer of intensity to this bold look.

Choosing and Applying Eyeliner

Wing or no wing? The answer will always be winged eyeliner! If you are worried about your glasses hiding all your hard work spent on getting the perfect winged eyeliner, we're here to help. The reality is you can always wear eyeliner with glasses.

Selecting the Right Eyeliner

For glasses wearers, gel or liquid eyeliners work best as they provide a more defined look. Pencil eyeliners can also work, but make sure they are well-sharpened for precision.

Eyeliner Styles

For thicker frames it's all about creating a bold line that isn't overpowered by your glasses. opt for a thicker eyeliner line across your whole lid to balance the look. A thicker cat-eye winged look is great to add a dramatic flair and also enhance your eyes behind your bigger frames.

For thinner frames, a more delicate line will do the trick. Tightlining, or applying eyeliner to the waterline, is a great option if you're not aiming for an obvious eyeliner look. Tightlining enhances your eyes without drawing as much attention to the eyeliner itself!

Try a smudged eyeliner look for a more dramatic or evening look. Gel eyeliner is perfect to achieve this look.

Bold Eyebrows and Glasses

Bold eyebrows are a fantastic way to frame your face and complement your glasses for a chic look. Creating well defined eyebrows will draw the right attention to your eyes, and also create balance between strong frames. This makeup step is all about making your entire look cohesive and striking.

Defined Eyebrow Technique

The key is to enhance your natural brows without overdoing it. You can choose to use an eyebrow pencil, powder, or gel, depending on your desired look and personal preference. Outline the natural shape of your brows, following their natural arch.

Gradually fill them in with light, feathery strokes to create a fuller appearance. Use a spoolie brush to blend the product, soften any harsh lines and lay your eyebrow hairs in place.

Choosing The Right Mascara

Mascara is essential to make your eyes stand out behind frames, but it is important to choose the right one to avoid clumping or smudging on your lenses. Look for a formula that adds length and volume without creating excessive thickness. This will prevent your lashes from hitting your glasses.

Opting for a smudge-proof or waterproof mascara can prevent unsightly smears on your lenses throughout the day. Apply an even and thin layer of mascara, you can always build up for the extra boldness. Don't forget to apply mascara to your lower lashes to fully open up your eyes and complete your stunning look.

Voila! Your eye look is now complete.

Creating a Balanced Look

Choosing Makeup Colors and Styles

When it comes to eye makeup, the colors and styles you choose should complement your frames. If your glasses are bold and colorful, opt for more neutral tones to avoid a clashing look. Conversely, if your frames are neutral, feel free to experiment with vibrant colors.

Coupling Bold Lip Color with Subtle Eye Makeup

One effective strategy is to pair bold lip colors with more subtle eye makeup, and vice versa. This ensures that neither your glasses nor your makeup overwhelms your face.

For the days when you don't have time to perfect a beautiful eye look, just add a vibrant Top Frame! You can effortlessly elevate your look from drab to fab in no time.

Managing Frame Thickness and Makeup Strength

Thicker frames call for bolder makeup to ensure your features are balanced. Conversely, if your frames are thin, aim for a more delicate makeup look.

Perfecting Makeup for Specific Types of Glasses

It is always important to tailor your makeup style to complement the shape and color of your frames. By considering the size, shape, and color of your frames, you can choose makeup shades and techniques that enhance your look.

Square Frames

Square frames offer a structured look. To create contrast, focus on soft, blended eyeshadows and avoid harsh lines. This will soften the angularity of the frames.

Round Frames

Round frames pair well with more structured eye makeup, such as defined eyeliner and bold eyeshadows. This contrast helps to balance the softness of the frames.

Frame Color Influence

The color of your frames can also guide your makeup choices. Neutral-colored frames offer more flexibility, while brightly colored frames may require more careful coordination with your makeup palette.

Consider complementary colors to match your frame and eye look. This means taking colors from the opposite side of the color wheel and pairing them together. When you do this, the result is a high-contrast color combo that's bright and that pops!

Size Influence

Larger frames may call for bolder makeup to balance out their statement-making appearance, while smaller frames may pair better with more delicate and subtle makeup looks. Consider trying different combinations to see what works best for you and your unique style!

Embracing Bold Makeup with Glasses

Don't be afraid to experiment with your makeup while wearing glasses! The right balance between your frames and makeup can create a stunning, cohesive look that's all your own.

Remember these key tips:

  • Find a balance that complements both your makeup and frames.
  • Understand how glasses impact the perception of your eyes.
  • Choose colors and styles that enhance your frames.
  • Switch up the look for however you are feeling that day!

It is all about understanding how to create harmony between your eyewear and makeup. By embracing your frames as a fashionable extension of your style, you can confidently explore vibrant and dramatic makeup looks that enhance your features. Ultimately, the key to rocking bold makeup with glasses is confidence and creativity. You got this!


Tightline Eyeliner: How to Tightline Your Eyes | MasterClass

Understanding color theory: the color wheel and finding complementary colors | Invision

Does Wearing Glasses Make Your Eyes Smaller? | For Eyes

Myopia (nearsightedness) | American Optometric Association